
The Life and Glories of St. Joseph is unavailable, but you can change that!

No words of St. Joseph are recorded in Scripture. In fact, little mention is made of him. Yet, despite these seeming limitations, the Church nonetheless possesses an incredibly rich knowledge of St. Joseph and his religious culture. This book will astound readers both with its scope and with its profundity. Based mainly on Scripture, but supported also by tradition and the depositions of saints,...

of kings; to be, not only the confidential friend, but the very spouse of the most exalted of all the empresses in the universe? Next to the Divine Maternity, no honour in the world is comparable with this. 2. To be comprised in the order of the Hypostatic Union implies being, after Jesus and Mary, superior to all the other saints, both of the Old and the New Testament; and the reason is clear: for, this order being superior to all the other orders in the Church, it follows that whosoever has a place
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